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/ MacWorld 1999 March - Disc 1 / Macworld (1999-03) (Disk 1).dmg / Shareware World / Utilities / Data & Time / Professional Support 3.1 / Vendor.FP3 (.txt) < prev    next >
FileMaker Pro Database  |  1999-01-03  |  137KB  |  569 lines

  1. HBAM2016AUG95
  2. Pro 3.0
  3. rd 11.25.44
  4. Spl3GVCi
  5. Temporary Files
  6. Temporary Files
  7. Temporary Files
  8. porary Files
  9. FPTHA
  10. MARI@
  11. NAME@
  12. VDEF@
  13. HBAM3016AUG95
  14. appl1
  15. v0001
  16. Pro 2.0 - 2.1F!
  17. Pro 3.0 - 4.0
  18. YyTtG
  19. Sunday
  20. Monday
  21. Tuesday
  22.     Wednesday
  23. Thursday
  24. Friday
  25. Saturday
  26. January
  27. February
  28. March
  29. April
  30. August
  31.     September
  32. October
  33. November
  34. December
  35. 1st Quarter
  36. 2nd Quarter
  37. 3rd Quarter
  38. 4th Quarter
  39. 1/3/998
  40. VgWgP
  41. Helpers
  42. 1/3/99
  43.     ADDRESS 1
  44.     ADDRESS 2
  49.     EQUIPMENT
  55. STATE
  57. "    VENDOR ID
  59. A    Address 1B
  60. A    Address 2B
  61. Company NameB
  62. CityB
  63. StateB
  65. MARIA
  66. Scripts.FM
  67. MSPCA
  68. NAMEA
  69. Scripts.FP3
  71. ZONEA
  72. RRPTH
  73. FPTHARMake the Dream:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 1.0v3:Template Files:Phones.FP3
  74. MSPCA
  75. NAMEA
  76. Phones.FP3
  77. RPTHA
  78. Phones.FP3
  79. Make the Dream
  80. Phones.FP3
  81. FMP3FMP3
  82. Template Files
  83. RMake the Dream:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 1.0v3:Template Files:Phones.FP3
  84. SRPTH
  85. FPTHASMake the Dream:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 1.0v3:Template Files:Support.FP3
  86. A:Goes to the layout associated with the fourth defined TAB.
  87. Go To 5
  88. A9Goes to the layout associated with the fifth defined TAB.
  89. Go To 6
  90. Open Scripts
  91. Used to open the Scripts.FP3 file, which is used to memorize support call situations, that can be easily reused for similar support call situations.
  92. Sort Company
  93. AISorts all records in the found set by using the company name from A to Z.
  94. Reverse Sort Company
  95. AZSorts all records in the found set by using the company name in reverse order from Z to A.
  96. l    Vendor IDw
  97. City, State & Zip
  98. Caller ListB
  99. l    Vendor IDw
  100. City, State & Zip
  101. l    Vendor IDw
  102. City, State & Zip
  103. l    Vendor IDw
  104. City, State & Zipx
  105. Company Namey    Address 2z    Address 1{
  106. First Name, Last Name
  107. WUses an associated global text field and value list to allow the user to select an operation or navigational option (such as go to or perform). The script uses a nested IF statement to see what the field contains when the script is activated and performs an associated set of actions (such as going somewhere or perfoming a series of actions).B)
  108. # = "Main"
  109. # = "Help"
  110. # = "Feedback"
  111. Feedback
  112. # = "List"
  113. # = "Caller"
  114. Caller
  115. # = "Support"
  116. Support
  117. # = "Scripts"
  118. Scripts
  119. # = "Equipment"
  120.     Equipment
  121. About
  122. AqUsed to go to the layout in the Welcome.FP3 file that explains a little about the Professional Support solution. 
  123. l    Vendor IDw
  124. City, State & Zipx
  125. Company Namey    Address 2z    Address 1{
  126. First Name, Last Name
  127. A9Goes to the layout associated with the sixth defined TAB.
  128. Go Do Global
  129. ing a series of actions).B)
  130. # = "Main"
  131. # = "Help"
  132. # = "Feedback"
  133. Feedback
  134. # = "List"
  135. Contact NameR    Vendor IDT
  136. Company NameV
  137. SupportZ
  138. Scripts\
  139. Print^
  140. List`
  141. Findb
  142. Helpd
  143. 2-UnusedB
  144. ::WELCOME.FM
  145. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  146. About
  147. Open Support
  148. Open Scripts
  149. Sort Company
  150. Reverse Sort Company
  151. Go To 1
  152. Go To 2
  153. Go To 3
  154. Go To 4
  155. Go To 5
  156. Go To 6
  157. Go Do Global
  158. Open Support
  159. ANUsed to open the Support.FP3 file, which is where each support call is stored.
  160. AsUsed to open the Help.FP3 file, which houses various help related information for the Professional Support package.
  161. Used to open the Scripts.FP3 file, which is used to memorize support call situations, that can be easily reused for similar support call situations.
  162. '7Lz_H
  163.     Helvetica
  164. Geneva
  165. Helvetica Black
  166. Gill Sans Condensed Bold
  167. Bodoni MT Ultra Bold
  168. Machine
  169. eWorld Tight
  170. 2250 Ridgepoint DriveD
  171. Suite 1007E
  172. LeSaux Media ServiceF
  173. AustinG
  174. 78754U
  175. V0001V
  176. PowerBook 520
  177. Compaq 425
  178. Dwayne Wright^
  179. 1/2/99`
  180. 12:36:44 PMa
  181. www.lesaux.comb
  182. 512-443-7311
  183. Apple ComputerU
  184. Appl1[
  185. Dwayne Wright\
  186. Dwayne Wright]
  187. 1/3/99^
  188. 1/3/99_
  189. 7:12:47 PM`
  190. 7:13:44 PMa
  191. http://www.apple.comb
  192. 1-800-SOS-APPL
  193. MRPTH
  194. FPTHAMMake the Dream:Desktop Folder:Professional Support:Template Files:Support.FP3
  195. MSPCA
  196. NAMEA
  197. Support.FP3
  198. RPTHA
  199. Support.FP3
  200. Make the Dream
  201. Support.FP3
  202. {$FMP3FMP3
  203. Template Files
  204. MMake the Dream:Desktop Folder:Professional Support:Template Files:Support.FP3
  205. ?RPTH
  207. MARIA
  208. Welcome.FM
  209. MSPCA
  210. NAMEA
  211. Welcome.FP3
  212. RPTHA
  213. ::WELCOME.FP3
  214. ZONEA
  215. ?RPTH
  216. !ZONE
  217. <RPTH
  218. FPTHA<Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Caller.FP3
  219. MSPCA
  220. NAMEA
  221. Caller.FP3
  222. RPTHA
  223. Caller.FP3
  224.     Hard Disk
  225. Caller.FP3
  226. FMP3FMP3
  227. Professional Support 3.5
  228. <Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Caller.FP3
  229. ;RPTH
  230.     alis
  231. FPTHA;Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Equip.FP3
  232. MSPCA
  233. NAMEA
  234.     Equip.FP3
  235. RPTHA    Equip.FP3
  236.     Hard Disk
  237. D    Equip.FP3
  238. FMP3FMP3
  239. Professional Support 3.5
  240. ;Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Equip.FP3
  241. 333333
  242. wwwwww
  243. UUUUUU
  244. DDDDDD
  245. """"""
  246. ffffff
  247. ffff33
  248. ff33ff
  249. ff3333
  250. 33ffff
  251. 33ff33
  252. ::WELCOME.FM
  253. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  254. ffff 
  255. ::WELCOME.FM
  256. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  257. ffff 
  258. ::WELCOME.FM
  259. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  260. ff33 
  261. UUUUUU 
  262. ::WELCOME.FM
  263. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  264. ffff 
  265. ::WELCOME.FM
  266. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  267. ffff 
  268. ::WELCOME.FM
  269. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  270. ff33 
  271. UUUUUU 
  272. ::WELCOME.FM
  273. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  274. ::WELCOME.FM
  275. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  276. ffff 
  277. ffff 
  278. ::WELCOME.FM
  279. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  280. ff33 
  281. UUUUUU 
  282. ::WELCOME.FM
  283. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  284. ::WELCOME.FM
  285. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  286. ::WELCOME.FM
  287. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  288. ::WELCOME.FM
  289. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  290. ::WELCOME.FM
  291. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  292. ::WELCOME.FM
  293. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  294. ~ffff
  295. ffffff
  296. ffff33
  297. ff33ff
  298. ff3333
  299. 33ffff
  300. 33ff33
  301. 3333ff
  302. 333333
  303. ::WELCOME.FM
  304. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  305. wwwwww
  306. UUUUUU
  307. DDDDDD
  308. """"""
  309. ME.FM
  310. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  311. ME.FM
  312. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  313. ME.FM
  314. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  315. ME.FM
  316. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  317. ffff 
  318. ff33 
  319. 33ff 
  320. 3333 
  321. ME.FM
  322. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  323. ffff 
  324. ME.FM
  325. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  326. ffff 
  327. ME.FM
  328. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  329. ff33 
  330. UUUUUU 
  331. ME.FM
  332. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  333. ME.FM
  334. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  335. ffff 
  336. ffff 
  337. ME.FM
  338. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  339. ff33 
  340. UUUUUU 
  341. ME.FM
  342. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  343. ME.FM
  344. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  345. Contact ListB
  346. Go Do Pick List
  347. FMRLA
  348. FMRLA
  349. Phones Via Vendor ID Contact IDB Support Via Vendor ID Contact ID
  350. =RPTH
  351. FPTHA=Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Welcome.FP3
  352. MSPCA
  353. NAMEA
  354. Welcome.FP3
  355. RPTHA
  356. Welcome.FP3
  357.     Hard Disk
  358. Welcome.FP3
  359. y}FMP3FMP3
  360. Professional Support 3.5
  361. =Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Welcome.FP3
  362. >RPTH
  363. FPTHA>Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Feedback.FP3
  364. MSPCA
  365. NAMEA
  366. Feedback.FP3
  367. RPTHA
  368. Feedback.FP3
  369.     Hard Disk
  370. Feedback.FP3
  371. FMP3FMP3
  372. Professional Support 3.5
  373. >Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Feedback.FP3
  374. City, State & Zipx
  375. Company Namey    Address 2z    Address 1
  376. Contact Type
  377. Information
  378.  Caller Information
  379. Support
  380. Scripts
  381. Print
  382. k" Various Caller Re-Contact Methods
  383.  Special Comments
  384. .....................
  385. .....................
  386. .....................
  387. ...................
  388. ...................
  389. General Info
  390.  1997 - 1999 LeSaux Media Services     All Rights Reserved  
  391. Web Site Address
  392. Support Phone
  393. IPick the option you want to do or go to. Then click the yellow do button.
  394. :Template Files:Support.FP3
  395. Scripts.FM
  396. MSPCA
  397. Go To 2
  398. A:Goes to the layout associated with the second defined TAB.
  399. Go To 3
  400. US English - Spelling
  401. MSPCA
  402. NAMEA
  403. Support.FP3
  404. RPTHA
  405. Support.FP3
  406. Make the Dream
  407. Support.FP3
  408. {$FMP3FMP3
  409. Template Files
  410. SMake the Dream:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 1.0v3:Template Files:Support.FP3
  411. A    Vendor IDB
  412. V0004
  413. A    EquipmentB
  414. Special CommentsB
  415. Created ByB
  416. Modified ByB
  417. Created DateB
  418. Modification DateB
  419. Created TimeB
  420. Modified TimeB
  421. Web AddressB
  422. Support PhoneB
  423. Go Do GlobalB
  424. <@_A    1-General
  425. Caller List
  426. 2-Unused
  427. 3-Unused
  428. 4-Unused
  429. 5-Unused
  430. 6-Unused
  431. Support.FM
  432. :RPTH
  433.     MSPC
  434. FPTHA:Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Help.FP3
  435. MSPCA
  436. NAMEA    
  437. Help.FP3
  438. RPTHA
  439. Help.FP3
  440.     Hard Disk
  441. Help.FP3
  442. FMP3FMP3
  443. Professional Support 3.5
  444. :Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Help.FP3
  445. (LIST
  446. LISTA
  447. Phone
  448. Mobile
  449. Pager
  450. Email
  451. VDEFA(
  452. (LIST
  453. LISTA?Main
  454. Feedback
  455. Caller
  456. Support
  457. Scripts
  458. Equipment
  459. VDEFA(
  460. Company Namey    Address 2z    Address 1{
  461. First Name, Last Name
  462.  Caller Information
  463. .....................
  464. .....................
  465. .....................
  466. History
  467.     Equipment
  468. General Info
  469. 9Currently Unused
  470. Available to custom business information
  471.  1997 - 1999 LeSaux Media Services     All Rights Reserved  
  472. IPick the option you want to do or go to. Then click the yellow do button.
  473. Print
  474. Support
  475. Scripts
  476. ~ffff
  477. ffffff
  478. ffff33
  479. ff33ff
  480. ff3333
  481. 33ffff
  482. 33ff33
  483. 333333
  484. wwwwww
  485. UUUUUU
  486. DDDDDD
  487. """"""
  488. FPTHA
  489. 3-UnusedB
  490. A    1-GeneralB
  491. A9Goes to the layout associated with the third defined TAB.
  492. Go To 4
  493. Go To 6
  494. Go To 6
  495.  Caller Information
  496. .....................
  497. .....................
  498. .....................
  499. ...................
  500. ...................
  501. General Info
  502.  1997 - 1999 LeSaux Media Services     All Rights Reserved  
  503. 9Currently Unused
  504. Available to custom business information
  505. IPick the option you want to do or go to. Then click the yellow do button.
  506. Print
  507. Support
  508. Scripts
  509. 6-UnusedB
  510. 4-UnusedB
  511.  Caller Information
  512. .....................
  513. .....................
  514. .....................
  515. ...................
  516. ...................
  517. General Info
  518.  1997 - 1999 LeSaux Media Services     All Rights Reserved  
  519. 9Currently Unused
  520. Available to custom business information
  521. IPick the option you want to do or go to. Then click the yellow do button.
  522. Print
  523. Support
  524. Scripts
  525. Company Namey    Address 2z    Address 1{
  526. First Name, Last Name
  527.  Caller Information
  528. .....................
  529. .....................
  530. .....................
  531. History
  532.     Equipment
  533. General Info
  534. 9Currently Unused
  535. Available to custom business information
  536.  1997 - 1999 LeSaux Media Services     All Rights Reserved  
  537. IPick the option you want to do or go to. Then click the yellow do button.
  538. Print
  539. Support
  540. Scripts
  541. l    Vendor IDR
  542. FPTHA
  543. MARI@
  544. NAME@
  545. VDEF@
  546. FPTHA
  547. MARI@
  548. NAME@
  549. VDEF@
  550. 5-UnusedB
  551. Go To 1
  552. A9Goes to the layout associated with the first defined TAB.
  553. Company Namey    Address 2z    Address 1{
  554. First Name, Last Name
  555.  Caller Information
  556. .....................
  557. .....................
  558. .....................
  559. History
  560.     Equipment
  561. General Info
  562. 9Currently Unused
  563. Available to custom business information
  564.  1997 - 1999 LeSaux Media Services     All Rights Reserved  
  565. IPick the option you want to do or go to. Then click the yellow do button.
  566. Print
  567. Support
  568. Scripts